Sunday, August 17, 2014


The more meanings a modern ear ascribes to the words of a foreign language, the more likely the foreign language is possessed of a (more) fundamental grasp of the essential nature of man's condition - ultimately by virtue of its relative proximity to the divine origin of all language.  After all, though not all foreign languages are dead, all dead languages are foreign!

Although (unlike most men) this most conceited writer understands puns to be the sorrowful imitations of that they are, he could not justifiably refrain from entitling this post with one word of two meanings that are both not only eminently appropriate but also bound together as two sides of the same coin - by the elucidations enumerated subsequently.  In other words, tender reader, the faith by which each of these convictions is by this writer understood is the means by which he has convicted reality of its eternal veracity.

Below are the convictions established by Deductive Prosecutions over the past ~17 months.

1. All in One.

2. Essential truth is incommunicable.

3. Truth is inherently so.

4. The disorder wrought by time is inherent.

5. Sovereignty is infallible.

6. Man observes effect, never cause.

7. The right of heredity is inevitable.

8. Human reason is both disorder and disorderly.

9. Worth is neither justifiable nor falsifiable.

10. How and why are ultimately synonyms.

11. Men, not ink blots, rule.

12. Silence is golden.

13. Meaning is experienced, not discovered through deliberation.

14. Progressivism is demonic religion.

15. The Land of Israel belongs to the People of Israel.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Democracy: The Show Must Go On

My maître à penser once wrote:
America is often cited to us: I know nothing so provoking as the praise showered on this babe-in-arms: let it grow.
It has certainly grown!  Oh, how it has grown!  Such praise now provokes only silent chuckles and agnostic grins among the wise - and even just the learned.

The Los Angeles Times reports:
Alarmed that fewer than one-fourth of voters are showing up for municipal elections, the Los Angeles Ethics Commission voted Thursday to recommend that the City Council look at using cash prizes to lure a greater number of people to the polls. 
On a 3-0 vote, the panel said it wanted City Council President Herb Wesson's Rules, Elections and Intergovernmental Relations Committee to seriously consider the use of financial incentives and a random drawing during its elections, possibly as soon as next year. 
Depending on the source of city funds, the idea could require a ballot measure. Commissioners said they were unsure how big the prizes should be or how many should be offered, saying a pilot program should first be used to test the concept.
Long has the farce of America's government indicted the likes of Thomas Jefferson as hopelessly naive, fundamentally misguided, and remarkably juvenile charlatans.  It would appear, though, that the Los Angeles City Council is determined to render the humiliation of the so-called Founding Fathers a bit more thorough by elevating the comedy of American theater "democracy" to the genuinely surreal.

An American sensation once unwittingly encapsulated the American devotion to democratic principles:
The show must go on 
I'll face it with a grin 
I'm never giving in 
On with the show
Gnon's retort:
So be it.  [A French translation: Toute nation a le gouvernement qu'elle mérite.]

Obedience: A Mortal Imperative

Sovereignty, the cosmic force that binds societies, is realized through all time.  It is inevitably realized because it must be.  Always.  Indeed, sovereignty, permeating that realm where all that is should be, transcends time.

The mortal domain, marked by time, is imbued with a mere shadow of sovereignty: power, which is the capacity to act through time.

In the mortal domain sovereignty is realized through obedience to power.

In the mortal realm power takes two forms: first as influence and second as action.  Influence is power that is perceived, while action is power that is realized.

Disorder, an intrinsic quality of the mortal realm, is the consequence of mutually exclusive effects.  Human desire, born of man’s universal degradation, is a general effect that renders social disorder in afflicting all men in all societies of all times.  A society is disorderly insofar as its power is perceived as political.  Inasmuch as power is, in other words, perceived to exist for social instead of spiritual purposes, it will likely be realized as such more quickly.

That is what we notice as violence.

For though all mortal power can (eventually) only serve the social purpose of preserving sovereignty, the process of ruling men is rendered rather less painful so far as those men act in accordance with sovereignty, the general interest, and the long-term (these, tender reader, are when properly understood demonstrative synonyms!), which is to say: obey – obey out of belief in power’s spiritual purpose.

But the disobedience that extricated man from divine provenance is defiling – thoroughly defiling.  Man knows only sin, for man was conceived in sin generally (metaphysically) and by sin particularly (literally).  Ergo, man rebels against authority.  But man can rebel less often and less egregiously!  To a degree.

In assuming that power is perceived as it ought to be, power is realized with less severity and less frequency.

Rephrase: in assuming that influence is distributed as it ought to be, action to modify the distribution of influence is undertaken with less severity and less frequency.

Rephrase: in assuming that things are as they ought to be, things become closer to how they should be.

If we define submission as obedience to sovereign power as a consequence of violence and belief as assumption of that which ought to be clothed in the garb of that which is, then we may rephrase yet again: insofar as obedience is offered by virtue of belief, obedience need not be eventually compelled by virtue of submission.  We see, tender reader, that Joseph de Maistre’s remark regarding submission and belief ("[…]these two infants of heaven prove their origin to all[…]”) was rather spot-on.

Sovereignty permeates only that realm where all that is should be.  The mortal domain, experiencing time, is imbued with power: the capacity to act through time.  It is through manifested power that all sovereignty is realized.  Since action is inevitable and every action is in some sense communication and since every communication betrays implicit meaning just as every action betrays implicit intention, it is only- but always! - through manifested power (action) that sovereignty is realized.  Action that realizes sovereignty through the meaning of action demonstrates (by definition) belief in sovereignty, while action that realizes sovereignty through the intention of action demonstrates (by definition) submission to sovereignty.

Sovereignty is realized by mortals through obedience to its incarnation in the mortal domain; power is obeyed, whether by submission or by belief.